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Well it’s been a long time since my last post which I do once again apologise for. This is due to my card reader on my pc breaking so no pictures till I could get onto another computer which I have only just got around to.
Even though the experiment is now over, I will continue to put the remaining posts up each day for those of you who are interested.
Tonight’s meal was yet another classic....Mashed potato and beans, this meal actually got many family’s through starvation all over the world as its very cheap but high in almost everything that the human body could possibly want. I was thinking of making some sort of a castle with the mashed potato but I really didn’t know where to start with a castle so just opted for some sort of a pond, lake or possibly ocean....This really does depend on the size you are when looking at it.
Really enjoyed this one, the extra cheese I put on the walls gave it a nice little twist and the beans remained inside the mashed potato walls exceptionally well “could mashed potato be used to prevent floods??”
I think I have now hit the baked bean brick wall, my body is starting to reject to them and the smell is now becoming hard to tolerate. Your body can do this when it experiences an excessive intake of certain things i.e. alcohol and is a safety measure to help you from killing yourself but I will carry on even with this disturbing knowledge in my head.
Every morning on my way to work I walk past this very strange looking lady who follows my exact footsteps and when I get to my destination she screams “chilllliii beans” and then runs off at extreme speed.....very odd I know and this has been going on since day one of the experiment so today I decided to succumb to her wishes and make a baked bean chilli.My shopping basked contained mince, kidney beans, rice, chilli mix and of course Tesco value baked’s very simple to make for those of you who have never made a chilli.
Just brown off the mince, add everything in the pan with it and put on the rice. The baked beans turned out to be a good option as the sauce replaced the tomatoes which I didn’t put in. I did however over-grate my cheese which is always a real problem as for the effort it takes to store it you may as well just eat it so I decided to decorate the side of the plate with the remaining cheese. Overall I really enjoyed this meal; I did put too much tobacco sauce in even for my strong tolerance of hot food. I was left with a sweating forehead.
Many thanks goes to the crazy lady who recommended me this one.
Heinz baked beans with super sausages seem a mixture that is too good to be true. The promise of not just the frankfurter style small sausages but some real meaty pork sausages! But can they deliver on this statement?I was immediately surprised by the size of these sausages and eventually came to the conclusion that some form of magic was used on the production line which allowed six of these monster sausages to fit inside the relatively small tin along with a good portion of beans.The taste of the sausages were very satisfying with a nice meaty texture that really did make you feel like you were getting good value for money but leaves you with a nagging question in your mind “how did they fit all that in one tin?”
I have done a lot of research on this but can’t seem to find the answer; I can only think that maybe they grow when heated...hmmmm very strange

Baked beans are typically used in savoury dishes such as pie and mashed potato, but its very rare that I ever see them mixed with sweet dishes so I decided to explore the possibilities of these little gems as an accompaniment to a desert.
One of my favourite deserts, banana-split would be the guinea pig for today’s trial. A nice ripe banana cut in half, filled with cold baked beans and some ice cream on the side with a sprinkle of sugar over the plate to help bring the flavours together, but would they need any help???......A definitive “YES” was the answer.
I had been secretly confident in my choice of ingredients and thought that I was onto something big....something that could change the way beans were consumed all over the world....but no this was not the case.
My taste buds first got hold of the banana that was nice and sugary which was closely followed by the soothing coolness of the vanilla ice cream “so far so good” but then the baked beans took hold with their overpowering taste and soon I had a mouthful of what tasted like lumpy cold bean juice sick.
I can’t tell you how bad this actually was, it was worse than I anticipated and despite how hard I tried, I could not finish this one. I now understand why this has not taken off and why beans are positioned where they are in the market....well away from the sweet stuff. “Ohhh well I though” another dish tried and’s time to move on.

Even though I have had the misfortune of consuming noodles and beans which as you may recall were the blandest of the meals so far, I was assured that pasta and beans would be a totally different story, so I decided not to write off the idea before I had given it a try.
Fusilli pasta, mature cheese and a tin of Tesco baked beans were the ingredients in this dish and I paid special attention on the seasoning of this dish as I was constantly scared that the blandness would rear its head and attack but “noooooo” said Mr Salt and Mrs Pepper.
A very quick meal to make (10 min in total including prep time) the pasta and cheese was layered and then the beans were poured on top....5 minutes under the grill and it was ready for testing. I must admit that I was lacking in trust from the recommendations of this and was waiting for a chewy bland taste but instead was greeted by an extremely pleasant mouthful of rainbows....”wow, this really is a great dish”
I highly recommend that you try this one as its cheap, easy to cook, tasty and filling...what more could you possibly want from a meal??? This one will definitely be staying in my memory bank for future use.

Ten days to go till I can tuck into a nice roast dinner (without beans) and I must say that I’m looking forward to it. I wouldn’t go as far as saying that I’m sick of beans...I just feel like I’m on the M6 (longest motorway in the UK) and getting tired and need a rest break.
Thanks to everyone who has recently been recommending me different meal ideas, I will try my best to get around to them all.
Tonight’s winner winner chicken dinner (it’s not actually chicken) is some Mr Brains Faggots with Tesco reduced salt baked beans. The name says it all doesn’t it? Faggots are made from off-cuts and offal with traditional ingredients being (pig heart, liver and belly meat) but Mr Brains Faggots is mainly comprised of just liver and onion which is largely due to the growing unpopularity of this type of food, so not including the classic ingredients is there way of trying to gain more customers...what next, is the word faggot not allowed just in case it could offend? Should I call my coffee light brown and not black???....either way I think this is a real shame and not because I’m trying to hold on to the old days but because I hate change and want to keep all retro things in production including the classic 600 Polaroid, mini cooper and of course the classic faggot.
The faggots didn’t look as unappealing as I thought they would, they just looked like large meatballs with gravy (ohhh noooo) but this was not the case, they were very fluffy and almost tasted like a large stuffing ball with no chewy toe nails or balls of gristle. The baked beans went very well with the faggots and I genuinely enjoyed this meal...just shows that the classic dishes passed down through generations really are the best ones.
This BBQ requires no charcoal or lighter fluid but simply a hand that is capable of effectively using a tin opener.
The front of the Hunger Breaks tin had a colourful picture of all the ingredients you would have for a classic BBQ (Sausages, burgers, Ribs and of course baked beans??) the picture did look appealing but when opening the can I realised that the marketing department really did have a few people who knew how to use Photoshop well.
Upon gazing down into the tin I noticed that everything had congealed together and looked something like you would expect to find in your small intestines (where a majority of the digestion takes place) but I have learnt to never judge a book by its cover from my run in with Mr Octopus. Once I had dislodged the contents from the tin into a saucepan I could see the five BBQ items that had been mechanically shot into the tin from what I think was a huge height (over 100ft) While eating the food I couldn't help but notice the flavour in the sauce that I think was supposed to trick you into thinking it had been over some hot coals but ended up tasting like I had slightly burnt it all in the saucepan (which I could have done) the ingredients themselves were very tasteless with the majority of the flavour coming from the baked beans. Don’t get me wrong, this was by no means close to the worst meal so far but it does rank close to the meatballs (unsurprisingly as they are both a similar product) great for explorers and campers and those who never have access to a BBQ and that’s about it.These were a present given to me so in some ways I wish I could give a more positive review of them but as always I’m very thankful and appreciate the help along the way in this experiment. I don’t have long left now and it’s hard to think of new and creative ideas but I’m heading back into the jungle very soon and will be exploring some never before tried concoctions’.