Today I’ve been hit by some sort of bug that has left me feeling very ill indeed, I am hoping this is not related to the high consumption of beans (or octopus) that i have had so tonight’s meal wasn’t what I had planned as getting the ingredients was out of the question given how I am feeling.
While thinking what the meal could be tonight I discovered my housemates old toastie machine and hey presto....a baked bean toastie with some cheese would now be the creation I was about to make. I used some farmhouse thick break with Heinz beans and some grated cheese....but this proved too much for the small light duty toastie machine and the lid would not close....immediately I knew I was going to have problems cooking this one and while holding the lid down as best I could the bean/cheese juice started running out the side of the machine all over the work top which was making a huge mess but this did smell really nice. About 10 min later (extra cooking time needed for the cold beans) it was ready to come out.....slightly tricky getting it out in once piece but eventually it was free.
The toastie tasted great and wasn’t too much to handle with the way I’m feeling at the moment.
10 out of 10 for speed of cooking and quick preparation time but 0 out of 10 for the aftermath of mess.
This experiment started out as a bit of a joke and in the first few days I wasn’t sure what I was getting into but looking back even from this point I have realised that thanks to this experiment I have tried new food that I might not have otherwise which in itself has made it worthwhile and I’m also hopefully putting a smile on a few people’s faces along the way.
I’m off back to bed now as starting to feel worse......I’m hoping I won’t be found dead in the morning with a bright orange face :)