I would like to take this moment to apologise for the late post, however some friends from the land of Somerset came down for a night of bean fueled fun :)
Tonights meal was a tin of Branston beans which came in a beautifully presented tin which cost me 64p. I also decided to put a slice of fake cheese on top just to mix things up a little bit, but i would have liked to spend longer in the preparation of this meal and feel it was slightly hurried and lacked the passion that it deserves.
The Branson beans were extremely tastie with a very thick sauce. The baked beans were also larger than that of its rivals which in my opinion made for a much better tasting bean that is aimed at men who are looking for a bean with extra kick. The fake cheese melted tremendously over the top of the hot baked beans which added a whole new dimension to the meal that was very pleasant and overall a rewarding experience.
Tomorrows meal will be made with much more love and passion with an artistic element added :)