These are not just any cheesy beans, these are M&S cheesy beans which when combined with my staff discount card made them only 33p this is a great price for the super quality of these hand picked beans. The sauce seems thicker than this of the brand leader (Heinz) and when combined with some mature cheese (found in the fridge) the creation is a truly remarkable culmination of sweet smelling cheesy beans.
I am in fact very surprised by the taste of this and overall it is so far the best of the meals i have had during the experiment. You will find from the picture that some pitta bread has also been added to the side of this dish with more cheese just to allow for a different texture when eating which was done very successfully.
Overall i am feeling very good inside, i had a moment last night when i felt very hungry but this is to be expected when settling into a new diet but no orange face just yet :)
More to come tomorrow......