After my last two meals I felt I deserved a treat, something that wouldn’t make me feel sick or depressed and this came in the form of a BBQ bean pizza.
I chose a value pizza (Sainsbury’s 69p) this was because the cheap pizzas have the least toppings on and allow for more beans to be applied. Heinz BBQ beans were also purchased which when I found genuinely did excite me, I had been told about them before but could never seem to find them, they became a legend in my mind, a myth that I could not ever find but ohhhhhhhh nooooooo...their they were standing on the shelf at eye level for just 59 dirty pennies.. so “thank you very much” I said out aloud and quickly put them into my basket.
Cooking could not really have been simpler, spread the succulent beans on the pizza and insert into the warm oven!! “Brilliant” I thought. The 15minutes waiting time passed quickly while I made a pot of tea.
I was unsure how successful the beans would be in staying on the pizza base but to my surprise they had remained where I left them (this would not have been the case if I had used the value beans which were much more juicy) I decorated the pizza with some cheese to one again spice things up and then took it to my room for consumption.
The pizza went down really well, so well in fact that I could have had another one...the BBQ sauce turned an otherwise boring pizza into a titillating feast and a fantastic meal that left me with a warm fuzzy feeling inside (maybe the pizza is slightly undercooked) I would recommend this to everyone but especially people with injured hands and vegetarians as they are limited with pizza topping options and this one is a sure fire winner.....more tomorrow