Well it’s been a long time since my last post which I do once again apologise for. This is due to my card reader on my pc breaking so no pictures till I could get onto another computer which I have only just got around to.
Even though the experiment is now over, I will continue to put the remaining posts up each day for those of you who are interested.
Tonight’s meal was yet another classic....Mashed potato and beans, this meal actually got many family’s through starvation all over the world as its very cheap but high in almost everything that the human body could possibly want. I was thinking of making some sort of a castle with the mashed potato but I really didn’t know where to start with a castle so just opted for some sort of a pond, lake or possibly ocean....This really does depend on the size you are when looking at it.
Really enjoyed this one, the extra cheese I put on the walls gave it a nice little twist and the beans remained inside the mashed potato walls exceptionally well “could mashed potato be used to prevent floods??”
I think I have now hit the baked bean brick wall, my body is starting to reject to them and the smell is now becoming hard to tolerate. Your body can do this when it experiences an excessive intake of certain things i.e. alcohol and is a safety measure to help you from killing yourself but I will carry on even with this disturbing knowledge in my head.