Today’s meal came from the land of tigers, elephants, camels and of course the sacred cow....that’s right, it’s India which gave birth to all the different varieties of curries that are found around the world today, including the Heinz Curried Beans variety.
I was very surprised to find this particular variety of beans and never knew how big the baked bean market was until now...there seems to be a different variety of beans of almost everyone, the health conscious, the caveman hunter and the traveller who seeks out beans from around the world.
It really is astonishing and until you really take a close look at your supermarket baked bean selection your life will be that little bit duller than it otherwise could be.
The accompanying dish for today’s curried beans was a value curry for a staggering 79p...I really did question how this could be made for such a small price with any profit being made but after some deep thought on the walk home I decided that the chicken was more than likely abused on many different levels, this left me in a moral dilemma..."do I eat the abused chicken or not".............i quickly decided that I couldn’t let the chicken die for no reason and throwing the pieces in the bin would be a huge disrespect to the former Mr Chicken so decided to help fulfil his destiny, either way I put this to the back of my mind and served up the value curry and poured the curried beans over the top.
The meal was satisfying if not slightly hot on the taste buds but I could not pinpoint if this came from the baked beans or the rice!!
A very filling meal thanks largely to the rice, I feel this would be great after a night out on the town with your friends due to the quick cooking time and jokes that can be had regarding the bits of chicken that you are throwing around the room!!!!